Help little Eloise take big steps

Your donation today will be matched up to $25,000, funding critical early intervention therapy for babies like Eloise.

Help little Eloise take big steps

You can fund life-changing early intervention therapy so babies like Eloise can thrive.

Donate today and give Eloise the opportunities she deserves

Your generous donation will help families to access life-changing early intervention services they couldn’t afford alone. No parent should have to worry about giving their child the tools they need to live a full and independent life. You have the power to help.


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  • Your donation of $28 will help fund critical early intervention therapy to promote motor and cognitive skills.

  • Your donation of $56 will help fund an adaptive singing giraffe toy that teaches letters, numbers and songs.

  • Your donation of $110 will help fund a technology driven early intervention therapy kit for babies like Eloise.

  • Your donation of $225 will help fund critical research into life-changing early intervention therapies.

  • Your donation of $18 every 4 weeks could help fund equipment to diagnose CP as early as 12 weeks old.

  • Your donation of $25 every 4 weeks could help fund critical research to reduce the severity of CP in babies.

  • Your donation of $33 every 4 weeks could help fund vital research into the causes of CP.

  • Your donation of $56 every 4 weeks could help fund 1 hour of critical early intervention therapy for a baby at risk of CP.


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  1. I am at least 18 years old;
  2. I have read, understood and accepted the Terms and Conditions;
  3. I understand that my personal information will be collected and used in accordance with the Privacy Policy
  4. I understand I can get support about my donation at any time by calling CPA at 1300 136 140 or emailing

Donation Total: $56.00 Every four weeks

By Clicking "Donate Now", I confirm that:

  1. I am at least 18 years old;
  2. I have read, understood and accepted the Terms and Conditions;
  3. I understand that my personal information will be collected and used in accordance with the Privacy Policy
  4. I understand I can get support about my donation at any time by calling CPA at 1300 136 140 or emailing




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Watch Eloise's story

Meet Eloise

When Eloise was born, her parents knew something was wrong. On a drive back from seeing family, Eloise stopped breathing. Her mum, Vanessa, was left with no choice but to give her little baby mouth to mouth. After extensive tests, Eloise was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Her parents wanted to make sure she had all the services and tools she needed to flourish but the financial strain was overwhelming.

The Big Steps Fund changed everything. With the support of generous donors, the Big Steps Fund made it possible for Eloise to begin early intervention therapy at just 5 months old.  

Now, Vanessa and David can watch their bubbly 2-year-old lead the life she chooses: one full of laughter and dance classes.

Early intervention changes lives

Early intervention is crucial to support the development of children with cerebral palsy. These therapies are tailored to each child’s needs, and designed to help them learn to communicate, develop motor and problem-solving skills, and participate in life around them. However, the cost of these services can be overwhelming for families.

That’s where the Big Steps Fund, made possible by generous donors like you, comes in and helps to cover the cost of early intervention therapy for babies just like Eloise, when they need it most.

Eloise began life-changing therapy at 5 months old. Supported by the Big Steps Fund, Vanessa and David can concentrate on enjoying every moment with their children, rather than worrying about whether they can afford the help they need. 

“Eloise was off her nasal gastric tube by 16 months. She started walking at 18 months. These are things we didn’t think we’d see with our daughter. If we didn’t have access to early intervention, our child wouldn’t be where she is today.” 

– Vanessa, Eloise’s Mum

The journey continues

Charlie is Vanessa and David’s second child. A scan at 28 weeks confirmed their initial fears, revealing the same anomalies in Charlie’s brain that they had seen with Eloise.

With the support of The Big Steps Fund, both Charlie and Eloise were able to begin life-changing early intervention before they turned one. Without it, Vanessa and David would have struggled to afford the services their children need to thrive.

YOU have the power to help babies like Eloise and Charlie.

Meet some inspiring young kids!

Aidyn laughing


Born just shy of 23 weeks, Aidyn is now a happy, cheeky, and funny kid. He lives with severe cerebral palsy, and is making amazing progress with the support of CPA therapies like Telepractice sessions and physiotherapy, to get ready for his first year of school.

Christopher cuddled by Pam (mum)


Christopher has defied the odds and surprises everyone around him with this strength, determination, will to live and capacity to love. Born at 37 weeks after suffering brain damage in the womb due to CMV, Christopher has severe CP, is non-verbal, and has no control over his limbs.

Dax held by Bree (mum)


Dax has had it tough from day one when he was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. After a difficult and complicated diagnosis, Dax started therapy with CPA and inspires everyone every day with his infectious determination and constant positive progress.