Thank you, [first_name]

Your [frequency] donation of [price] is hugely appreciated and will help every child at risk of cerebral palsy access the therapy they need within the first 1,000 days.

Please help us do more and share our cause.

Charlotte is already achieving things once considered impossible for a child with her level of cerebral palsy. And it’s all thanks to GAME.

GAME, and other innovative research trials are only possible thanks to the generosity of people like you.

Your donation will ensure the future of GAME, and other early-intervention research trials in Australia, and will give more children like Charlotte, the very best chance in life.

Thank you.

Other ways you can help

Together, we can give every child born at risk of CP the very best chance in life.

Teen and mum laughing together

Fundraise for us

Fundraising for Cerebral Palsy Alliance is easy and rewarding. Fundraise your way.

woman in wheelchair smiling with guitar

Gift in memory

Honor the memory of a loved one by giving a gift in their memory.

happy man in wheelchair laughing

Volunteer with us

Give back to the community and be part of a team that's making a real difference.