Join a family full of passionate people working towards on thing: to replace pain with happiness in the lives of children and adults with cerebral palsy.


At Cerebral Palsy Alliance, every dollar donated will change the lives of children and adults living with cerebral palsy.

As world leaders in research for cerebral palsy, our team of experienced researchers and clinicians are dedicated to a global collaborative effort to find a cure for cerebral palsy while helping people with CP to lead the most comfortable, independent and inclusive lives possible.

As a Big Family member, your contributions directly fund:

  1. Early Diagnosis and Intervention – providing evidence-based treatments during the first 2 years of life when the ability of a damaged brain to repair itself and adapt to injury is highest.
  2. Epidemiology – overseeing the largest, most extensive whole country register of data of people living with cerebral palsy in the world, and actively helping other countries do the same.
  3. Technology – revolutionising communication options for those without a voice.
  4. Regenerative Medicine – using stem cell research to give hope of a cure.

Meet Some of the Family

Our story: Bree, Mitch and Dax

Bree’s second pregnancy had been trouble-free, but when their son Dax was born, the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. Bree and Mitch were worried. They knew something was terribly wrong with their precious baby.

Yet 6 weeks after Dax was born, they were no closer to a diagnosis. And without this diagnosis, they had no way of accessing support or treatment for Dax.

This is why CPA created our Babies at Risk program.

Your support will transform the lives of babies at risk of CP and their families.

Our program provides babies like Dax with early intervention therapy straight away – even if they don’t have a confirmed diagnosis.

When this therapy is provided to very young babies, it can have an amazing impact on children with CP and their families – one that can change the course of their entire lives.

It was only when Dax was 6 months old that a physiotherapist suggested Bree and Mitch come and see CPA. As Bree said:

“That was the day we stopped wondering and started acting. We didn’t have a piece of paper to say Dax has condition x or y, but CPA weren’t worried. They simply focussed on what was best for Dax, and his therapy started immediately.”

No child at risk of CP should have to wait months for help, like Dax did. Even so, he’s still one of the lucky ones


Our Vision

Imagine a world where people with disabilities are fully included. Where potential is realised, and they can be active, contributing members of society.

That’s the goal that brought us together over 75 years ago.

The year was 1945. Seeing the needs of their own children, growing up with CP, some passionate parents imagined a better future for their children – and a better future for all people with neurological and physical disabilities. They founded the CPA to make their dream a reality.

With your help we can build on recent breakthroughs and lower both the incidence and severity of CP in Australia and around the world! This wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of CPA’s Big Family, we know you would fit right in!

The collaboration of brilliant minds and diverse skills makes our family strong – and your commitment makes us even stronger.

Join Our Big Family!

Join today, and together we’ll make a difference in the lives of people with cerebral palsy.


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  • $11

    will help to fund equipment to diagnose cerebral palsy as early as 12 weeks.

  • $19

    will help fund critical research to reduce the severity of cerebral palsy

  • $26

    will help fund early intervention therapy when it can make the biggest impact on a child at risk of CP

  • $51

    will help fund critical research into the causes of cerebral palsy

  • $11

    will help to fund equipment to diagnose cerebral palsy as early as 12 weeks.

  • $19

    will help fund critical research to reduce the severity of cerebral palsy

  • $26

    will help fund critical research into the causes of cerebral palsy

  • $51

    will help fund critical research into the causes of cerebral palsy


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Donation Total: $19.00 Monthly

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