Thank you, [first_name]

Your donation of [price]/[frequency] is hugely appreciated and
will ensure nothing stops people with cerebral palsy from accessing the vital therapies they need. 

Thank you again. Your kindness will be life-changing for so many Australian families. 

Learn more about Telepractice

Telepractice (or Telehealth as it is also known) might seem new, but it’s actually been an important part of our health system since the 1930s.

Back then, pedal-powered radios allowed a doctor to give medical advice to a patient many hundreds of kilometres from the nearest hospital. This invention saved thousands of Australian lives.

Today, improved technology and access to the internet has made
Telepractice an essential part of the support we offer to people with disability living in rural and outback locations.

But we could never have imagined a global pandemic would increase the demand for our service.

These remote, online sessions are a safe and effective alternative to face-to-face therapy sessions, helping more people get the vital therapies they need to live their best lives.

How you can help

Together, we can help those living with cerebral palsy

Teen and mum laughing together

Fundraise for us

Fundraising for Cerebral Palsy Alliance is easy and rewarding. Fundraise your way.

woman in wheelchair smiling with guitar

Gift in memory

Honor the memory of a loved one by giving a gift in their memory.

happy man in wheelchair laughing

Volunteer for us

Give back to the community and be part of a team that's making a real difference.