Please Help Babies
Like Billy Today
Help give life-changing therapy to every premature baby in Australia
Every 20 hours in Australia a baby is born with cerebral palsy.
But a revolutionary trial, happening today, right here in Australia, could reshape the way we support premature babies at risk of disability.
It’s called the Best Start Trial, and involves babies at risk of cerebral palsy receiving physiotherapy shortly after birth, and often while in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
The therapy focuses on head control movements, posture, arm and leg movement and visual development. The techniques are completely safe and age-appropriate and, in a unique approach, delivered by the parents themselves. Parents are taught a series of short exercises they can do with their baby throughout the day.
Preliminary work conducted in 2014 have shown incredibly promising results, with babies like Billy showing better than expected outcomes after receiving this ultra-early therapy.
Your support today will help expand this critical research, and take the benefits of this ultra-early therapy to premature babies across the country.
Your Impact
Your gift could give every premature baby the Best Start.
CPA’s Research Institute leads the world in the prevention, treatment and cure of cerebral palsy. But, with no ongoing government funding, innovative and life-changing projects like the Best Start Trial are only possible thanks to the support of people like you.
CPA’s revolutionary Best Start Trial is helping premature babies achieve milestones their parents never thought possible.
Please give today to help bring this life-changing therapy to hospitals across Australia.