Collection Notices

Collection Notice - Donors and Supporters

These Guidelines relate to the Privacy and Information Security Policy.

What personal information do we collect and why?

Cerebral Palsy Alliance (ABN 45 000 062 288) (CPA) is collecting your personal information (this may include your name and pronoun; date of birth; contact details including address, telephone numbers and email address; payment details such as credit card information including type, name on credit card, credit card number, expiry date and CCV number; bank account details including BSB and account numbers; transaction details including authorisations and transaction amounts; records of your communication and interaction with us; your support for our work such as signing a petition, participation in an event; details and history of your communication preferences) so that we can:

  • process donation payments and provide you with a tax receipt;
  • contact you;
  • verify your identity and any information you have provided to us;
  • manage our relationship with you;
  • address or respond to any requests from you;
  • provide refunds;
  • process payment of raffle tickets;
  • send you information about the impact of your donation and other information which may be of interest to you; and
  • better understand our donors and supporters and based on de-identified profiles, appeal and market to similar people.

We may also monitor and record communications with our donors (including email and telephone) for security, dispute resolution and training purposes. CPA will always let you know when a conversation is being recorded.

We may also use your personal information for purposes related to those described above which would reasonably be expected by you.

We will not use your information for purposes other than those described above unless we have your consent or as permitted by law (including for law enforcement or public health and safety reasons).

Optional information

CPA also collects, at your option, information that will assist us in understanding the demographics of our donors and supporters. This includes:

  • the name of the organisation you work with and your profession;
  • sensitive information about your health such as your disability;
  • your connection and story to our cause; and
  • interests and opinions.

At your option, you may also make a donation in honour of another person. Where you choose to do so, you must obtain the consent of such other person before providing their information to CPA.

How we collect your personal information

We generally collect personal information directly from you:

  • via a CPA website;
  • when you communicate with us about donations (e.g. over the phone, via email or in person).

We also collect information:

  • from various CPA service providers that we engage to assist us in our activities, such as a telemarketing agency that we engage to make phone calls on our behalf or a face-to-face fundraiser that we engage to fundraise on our behalf. A CPA service provider may use third-party hosted and maintained platforms to collect information;
  • automatically (e.g. when a donor visits a website which displays a CPA advertisement, or engages with us online via CPA social media platforms); and
  • from an external source (e.g. Australia Post) to update existing donor mailing addresses, from public directories, or obtaining details for prospective donors from third-party suppliers.

If you do not provide the information requested

If you do not provide us with the personal information we have requested, we may not be able to process your donation to CPA.

Sharing your personal information

We may disclose your personal information to our related companies or third-party service providers (e.g. service providers that assist us with printing and sending communications to our donors, sending electronic communications or making phone calls to prospective and current donors) we use in conducting our business.

We may also disclose your personal information where we are required or authorised by Australian law to do so.

Further information

Further information about how we handle your personal information, including details about how you can access and correct your information and how you can complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles (as well as how we will deal with any complaint) can be found in our Privacy Policy available at

Contact us

If you want to know more before donating to CPA, please email

You can contact us about this Collections Notice by getting in touch with our Privacy Officer, using the following details:

The Privacy Officer
Cerebral Palsy Alliance
PO Box 171, Forestville NSW 2087
Phone: 1300 888 378 (+61 2 9975 8000)

Collection Notice - CPActive

The CPActive website ( is administered by Cerebral Palsy Alliance (ABN 45 000 062 288)(CPA). This Privacy Collection Notice is designed to tell you what will happen to the information you provide through this website or through other forms of communication with CPA in relation to CPActive.

By using this website or otherwise providing us directly, or through others, with your personal information, you agree with the terms of this Notice and consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of that information in accordance with this Notice, the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) as amended (including the Australian Privacy Principles) (the Act)and other applicable privacy laws.

What personal information do we collect and why?

CPA is collecting your personal information (including your name, your age group, postcode, demographic information, contact details, email address and information on how you use our services and programs) so that we can:

  • contact you;
  • verify your identity;
  • manage our relationship with you;
  • address or respond to any requests or feedback from you;
  • inform you of existing and proposed initiatives we will carry out;
  • provide you with information about the CPActive Young Changemakers program, if you have expressed an interest in this program;
  • provide you with regular information on disability sector and public policy updates, research highlights and advocacy opportunities.

We will also use the contact information details you have provided to send you promotional information and materials related to advocacy, campaigns, initiatives and disability sector information regarding the NDIS, public policy and research updates, such as by way of direct mail, telemarketing, by email, SMS, MMS or digital communications, or to request your feedback for promotional purposes.

You always have the right to opt-out of receiving such information.  You may exercise that right by contacting us as set out below.

We may also use your personal information for purposes related to those described above which would reasonably be expected by you. We will not use your information for purposes other than those described above unless we have your consent or as permitted by law (including for law enforcement or public health and safety reasons).

Optional information

CPActive also collects, at your option, your accessibility requirements, your feedback on our services and programs and your preferences regarding your involvement in public campaigns and advocacy initiatives. This information is used to improve your experience and provide continuous improvement to our program and does not affect your ability to participate in CPActive.

How we collect your personal information

We generally collect personal information directly from you, such as when you visit our website or otherwise contact and correspond with us (eg. over the phone, via email or in person). Where it is not practicable to collect personal information from you, we may also collect personal information from publicly available sources of information, and, where you have provided your consent, from third parties.

If you do not provide the information requested

If you do not provide us with the personal information we have requested, we may not be able to provide you with services, programs and assistance to the extent that they require us to collect, use or disclose personal information.

Sharing your personal information

We may disclose your personal information to our related companies, contractors providing services to us and to other third-party service providers (such as third-party digital agencies) we use in conducting our business. Some of these third parties may be located overseas.

We may also disclose your personal information where we are required or authorised by Australian law to do so, such as child protection laws.

Further information

Further information about how we handle your personal information, including details about how you can access your information and how you can complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles (as well as how we will deal with any complaint) can be found in our Privacy Policy available at

Contact us

If you want to know more about CPActive, you can email us at

You can also contact us by getting in touch with our Privacy Officer, using the following details:

Privacy Officer

Cerebral Palsy Alliance

PO Box 171, Forestville, NSW 2087

Phone: 1300 888 378 (+61 2 9975 8000)

Meet some inspiring young kids!

Aidyn laughing


Born just shy of 23 weeks, Aidyn is now a happy, cheeky, and funny kid. He lives with severe cerebral palsy, and is making amazing progress with the support of CPA therapies like Telepractice sessions and physiotherapy, to get ready for his first year of school.

Christopher cuddled by Pam (mum)


Christopher has defied the odds and surprises everyone around him with this strength, determination, will to live and capacity to love. Born at 37 weeks after suffering brain damage in the womb due to CMV, Christopher has severe CP, is non-verbal, and has no control over his limbs.

Dax held by Bree (mum)


Dax has had it tough from day one when he was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. After a difficult and complicated diagnosis, Dax started therapy with CPA and inspires everyone every day with his infectious determination and constant positive progress.